Days of Unrestrained Evil 2 Kings 21-23
To understand Habakkuk's hard questions for God, you need to understand the terrible times in which he lived. Today's survey of 100 years of Judah's history will give us a sense of what it would have been like to live in days when evil was unrestrained.
Questioning God Habakkuk 1:1-4
When we face evil (or suffering or injustice) it is natural that we wrestle with big questions, the kind of questions that only God can answer. Habakkuk was dismayed by the evil around him and he cried out to God, boldly and honestly, asking why and for how long. His opening prayer shows us the proper way to question God.
How God Deals With Evil Habakkuk 1:5-17
People all around the world suffer because of evil actions of others. Yet God does not always deal with that evil according to our expectations. We listen in as Habakkuk asks God about His mysterious manner of dealing with evil.
Woe to the Empire Builders Habakkuk 2:5-16
In Habakkuk's day, God sounded the warning against the empire of Babylon. The same warnings serve us today as a call to beware of our own empire building.
Praying Through Life-Shattering Moments Habakkuk 3:1-16
Few of us, if any, will journey through life without facing moments when everything comes crashing down around us. Habakkuk's example of prayer in such a time in his life can help us to be prepared to pray through our life-shattering moments.
I Will Rejoice in the Lord Habakkuk 3:17-19
Even as he faced the expectation of a very bleak future, Habakkuk declared that he was going to rejoice in the Lord. How could he be so sure of joy when he was going to face such hardship? How can we experience joy in any and every circumstance?

The Coming of Love John 3:16
The coming of Jesus is one of the most remarkable events in all history. And for those who believe in Jesus, His coming brings eternal life. This is God's gift of love.
The Coming of Peace John 16:33
When tribulations come into our lives, it is not mean that Jesus' promise of peace has failed. That is they very time when the promise of His peace can be most evident. We can have a peace-filled life, even when life is not peaceful.
Listen to the rest of Kip and Jennifer's personal story of the peace that passes understanding.
The Coming of Joy Luke 2:10-11
God created us for joy, but sin hijacks our joy. The good news of great joy is that Jesus came as Savior, to redeem our joy in Him.
The Coming of Hope Romans 15:12-13
Hope is the expectation of good in the future and we have many reasons to be hopeful. Yet the hope that Jesus brings is incomparably greater than any other hope, because it is the only hope that overcomes the power of sin and death.

Power to Direct Your Life James 3:1-5
Our words have the power to direct our lives in ways that we can hardly imagine, for good or bad. God tells us that if we wish to love life and see good days, we need to bring our words under control. This is the first in a 3 sermon series that walks us through the third chapter of the letter of James.
Power to Bless or Destroy James 3:5-12
God gave us the incredible ability to communicate through human language, and His intention is that we use this power to bless Him and bless others. But words are easily misused to wound others, even when we don't intend to harm anyone. James 3 reminds us of the need to guard our lips.
Wisdom From Above James 3:13-18
Are you a wise person? Most of us think we are wise, but the real test of wisdom is not what we know, but how we conduct ourselves. And for the sake of a life we can love and for the sake of good days, we need to seek the wisdom from above.
Preeminent In All Things Colossians 1:15-20
Until you recognize Jesus as Lord of All, you don't have a right perception of who He is and you won't have a proper relationship with Him. Colossians 1 gives us a sense of His surpassing glory, beyond our comprehension and beyond our imagination. (This message was originally given on September 10, but this recording was made two weeks later during a chapel at Teen Challenge in Brainerd, MN.)
A Preview of Christ's Glory Matthew 17:1-8
When Peter, James and John saw Jesus transfigured on the mountain, they saw Jesus as they had never seen Him before. But it was nothing new. Jesus had always been the glorious, eternal Son of God. And one day we will all see Him in the fullness of His majesty.
All Authority Matthew 28:18-20
Jesus holds all authority in heaven and on earth. He clearly demonstrated that authority during his ministry in Galilee and Judah, but He did not assert His authority. Except for one time. And that makes this command a maximum priority for those who follow Him.
To Call Jesus Lord Luke 6:46-49, Matthew 28:18-20
Jesus is Lord and we call Him Lord. But what do we mean when we call Jesus Lord? Is it just a meaningless title, or do we recognize Him as the owner and ruler of our lives? Your answer is of utmost importance.
Ownership Matthew 25:14-30
Being Lord of all makes Jesus also the Owner of all. And whatever He has been entrusted to us remains His and for His purposes. Our calling is to be good and faithful servants. (We apologize for the recording quality due to audio problems on Sunday.)
Our Duty Luke 17:7-10
Jesus spoke many hard sayings, including this parable of the "unworthy servants." But when understood properly, it teaches us an important (though perhaps unpopular) perspective on what it means for us to be the Lord's servants.
My Heart, Christ's Home
If Jesus is in your life, have you merely welcomed Him as a guest or is He in your life as the Lord of all? This recording is Pastor Bob's conclusion after we heard a dramatic reading of Robert Boyd Munger's classic devotional book, My Heart, Christ's Home.
The Story of God's Kingdom
The Bible is more than just a collection of short stories. It tells wonderful stories that run from cover to cover. To more fully appreciate the grandeur of God's Word, we look at two great story lines of Scripture that run from Genesis to Revelation.

God Reveals Psalm 19
God speaks to us constantly. And Psalm 19 encourages us to take time this summer to sit under the sky and let Him reveal His glory and His will.
Too Precious for Me Psalm 139
God is with you always and everywhere. God knows you completely, inside and out. And when that knowledge reaches your heart, it changes how you see everything!
The Value of Every Life Psalm 139
God saw you and knew you before you were born. He made each one of us wonderfully. And because he values every life, so must we.
Let All The Peoples Praise You Psalm 67
We pray for God to bless us. And God wants to bless us. His blessing comes upon us because He loves us, but also because He loves all peoples and expects that we will take His blessing to the nations.
God Is Good Psalm 73
We all know that God is good... until something bad comes along. Then we are prone to doubting. The personal story of Asaph in Psalm 73 reveals the perspective we need to continue to see God's goodness when life does not go our way.
Remember the Wondrous Works God Has Done Psalm 105
Some Sundays we leave church saying, "God is Awesome," while other Sunday we leave saying nothing more than "I went to church." What makes the difference and how can we have more "God is Awesome" Sundays? Psalm 105 reveals one practice that can change your worship experience.
A Calm and Quiet Soul Psalm 131
"I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother." Psalm 131 calls us to come and rest in God's presence. But there is another voice calling us away, to endless pursuit of achievement. Where will we seek to fill our hearts? Where do we place our hope?
When Genuine Worship Becomes Powerful Testimony Psalms
When we worship God with sincerity, others observe. And our worship helps them to see God as we have come to see Him.

Remember Where You Stand (1 Corinthians 15:1-4)
The powerful, life-giving gospel message of the Bible is not something we hear one time, believe and forget about, it is a message we stand in daily. The Apostle Paul reminds us of that in 1 Corinthians 15:1-11.
What If... (1 Corinthians 15:1-4)
Redeemed followers of Christ stand on the powerful message of the gospel. But what if that message is wrong? This week the Apostle Paul shows us what life would be like without the gospel, and then encourages us to be confident that this message is true - all of it.
The Hope of the Gospel (1 Corinthians 15:20-23, 50-58)
Since the time of Adam, the power of sing brings pain and death. But the gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news of a greater power that is at work in those who believe. Death is overcome! Therefore we stand in the hope of the gospel.

The wisdom of Ecclesiastes for our crowded lives
Chasing the Wind Ecclesiastes 1:1-14
Life easily becomes an endless rush and we grow weary. The memoirs of King Solomon give us divine wisdom to avoid the weariness that comes from an out-of-control pace. Learn how to find joy and meaning in everyday life.
Unsatisfied With Pleasure Ecclesiastes 1:16-2:18
A look at Solomon's life helps explain how our lives become and endless rush of activity and how we can begin to restore balance to our busy lives.
Find Enjoyment Ecclesiastes 2:24-25
What difference would it make if you were to find enjoyment and satisfaction in your daily rhythms and routines, including on your job? Solomon tells us that it is a gift of God to find joy in our work.
A Season For Everything Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
God has appointed seasons in our lives, and all who are wise will discern the purpose of each season to make the most of it. Pastor Bob applies this often-quoted passage to the seasons of family life.
A Word From Future-You Ecclesiastes 12:1-7
If you were to receive a text message from your future-self, from the year 2067, what wisdom would it contain? In Ecclesiastes 11 and 12, we find wise words for the young and the old alike.
The End of the Matter Ecclesiastes 12:14-15 / 1 Corinthians 3:10-15
The powerful, life-giving gospel message of the Bible is not something we hear one time, believe and forget about, it is a message we stand in daily. The Apostle Paul reminds us of that in 1 Corinthians 15:1-11.

One Day That Changes Everything Romans 8:11
Every day something changes. But some days everything changes. The message of Easter is about one day that changes everything for you... forever!